I tried once to confront him face to face and it didn't work! I know my mom will be crushed since they have been married for nearly 30 years.
I leave for school next week and I don't know if I should confront him before or after I leave. I've been crying for five hours straight about it because I'm torn. My mom keeps asking what's wrong and I had to lie and say I was upset over some stupid shoes not fitting. My whole family was eating for our new years eve celebration and all I could do was lay in my bed with the door closed. This week has been unbearable especially today. I was on his iPad Monday to order something and new searches appeared in the search bar but his history was cleared. I cleared his history and said I would forget about it and not mention it.
Instead I looked in his history to see if anything else was there and to my surprise his history was full of gay porn sites. I was shocked and surprised but I didn't say anything. When I got on there the most recent search was for gay porn. I also apologize for the length in advance! Christmas morning my dad told me to look on his iPad for a recipe. I really need advice because I have been struggling with this for a week.